Source code for pypilecore.results.grouper_result

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple

import natsort
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from shapely import MultiPoint

from pypilecore.results.compression.multi_cpt_results import (
from pypilecore.results.post_processing import (

[docs]class SingleClusterData: """ Data for a single CPT subgroup *Not meant to be instantiated by the user.* """ def __init__( self, characteristic_bearing_capacity: Sequence[float], design_bearing_capacity: Sequence[float], design_negative_friction: Sequence[float], group_centre_to_centre_validation: Sequence[bool], group_centre_to_centre_validation_15: Sequence[bool], group_centre_to_centre_validation_20: Sequence[bool], group_centre_to_centre_validation_25: Sequence[bool], mean_calculated_bearing_capacity: Sequence[float], min_calculated_bearing_capacity: Sequence[float], net_design_bearing_capacity: Sequence[float], nominal_cpt: Sequence[str], pile_tip_level: Sequence[float], variation_coefficient: Sequence[float], xi_factor: Sequence[str], xi_values: Sequence[float], ): """ Parameters ---------- characteristic_bearing_capacity: characteristic bearing capacity [kN] design_bearing_capacity: design bearing capacity [kN] design_negative_friction: design negative friction [kN] group_centre_to_centre_validation: group centre to centre validation group_centre_to_centre_validation_15: group centre to centre validation 15 meter group_centre_to_centre_validation_20: group centre to centre validation 20 meter group_centre_to_centre_validation_25: group centre to centre validation 25 meter mean_calculated_bearing_capacity: mean calculated bearing capacity [kN] min_calculated_bearing_capacity: min calculated bearing capacity [kN] net_design_bearing_capacity: net design bearing capacity [kN] nominal_cpt: nominal cpt pile_tip_level: pile tip level [m w.r.t NAP] variation_coefficient: variation coefficient [-] xi_factor: xi factor xi_values: xi values [-] """ self._characteristic_bearing_capacity = characteristic_bearing_capacity self._design_bearing_capacity = design_bearing_capacity self._design_negative_friction = design_negative_friction self._group_centre_to_centre_validation = group_centre_to_centre_validation self._group_centre_to_centre_validation_15 = ( group_centre_to_centre_validation_15 ) self._group_centre_to_centre_validation_20 = ( group_centre_to_centre_validation_20 ) self._group_centre_to_centre_validation_25 = ( group_centre_to_centre_validation_25 ) self._mean_calculated_bearing_capacity = mean_calculated_bearing_capacity self._min_calculated_bearing_capacity = min_calculated_bearing_capacity self._net_design_bearing_capacity = net_design_bearing_capacity self._nominal_cpt = nominal_cpt self._pile_tip_level = pile_tip_level self._variation_coefficient = variation_coefficient self._xi_factor = xi_factor self._xi_values = xi_values raw_lengths = [len(values) for values in self.__dict__.values()] if len(list(set(raw_lengths))) > 1: raise ValueError("All values in this dataclass must have the same length.") @property def characteristic_bearing_capacity(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Characteristic bearing capacity [kN]""" return np.array(self._characteristic_bearing_capacity).astype(np.float64) @property def design_bearing_capacity(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Design bearing capacity [kN]""" return np.array(self._design_bearing_capacity).astype(np.float64) @property def design_negative_friction(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Design negative friction [kN]""" return np.array(self._design_negative_friction).astype(np.float64) @property def group_centre_to_centre_validation(self) -> NDArray[np.bool_]: """Group centre to centre validation""" return np.array(self._group_centre_to_centre_validation).astype(np.bool_) @property def group_centre_to_centre_validation_15(self) -> NDArray[np.bool_]: """Group centre to centre validation 15 meter""" return np.array(self._group_centre_to_centre_validation_15).astype(np.bool_) @property def group_centre_to_centre_validation_20(self) -> NDArray[np.bool_]: """Group centre to centre validation 20 meter""" return np.array(self._group_centre_to_centre_validation_20).astype(np.bool_) @property def group_centre_to_centre_validation_25(self) -> NDArray[np.bool_]: """Group centre to centre validation 25 meter""" return np.array(self._group_centre_to_centre_validation_25).astype(np.bool_) @property def mean_calculated_bearing_capacity(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Mean calculated bearing capacity [kN]""" return np.array(self._mean_calculated_bearing_capacity).astype(np.float64) @property def min_calculated_bearing_capacity(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Min calculated bearing capacity [kN]""" return np.array(self._min_calculated_bearing_capacity).astype(np.float64) @property def net_design_bearing_capacity(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Net design bearing capacity [kN]""" return np.array(self._net_design_bearing_capacity).astype(np.float64) @property def nominal_cpt(self) -> NDArray[np.str_]: """Nominal cpt""" return np.array(self._nominal_cpt).astype(str) @property def pile_tip_level(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Pile tip level [m w.r.t NAP]""" return np.array(self._pile_tip_level).astype(np.float64) @property def variation_coefficient(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Variation coefficient [-]""" return np.array(self._variation_coefficient).astype(np.float64) @property def xi_factor(self) -> NDArray[np.str_]: """Xi factor""" return np.array(self._xi_factor).astype(str) @property def xi_values(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Xi values [-]""" return np.array(self._xi_values).astype(np.float64) @cached_property def to_pandas(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return pd.DataFrame(self.__dict__)
[docs] def plot_variation_coefficient( self, axes: Axes | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """ Plot the bearing capacity and variation coefficient in a subplot Parameters ---------- axes: `plt.Axes` object where the data can be plotted on. **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. """ if axes is None: _, axes = plt.subplots(**kwargs) # create variation coefficient plot axes.plot(self.variation_coefficient, self.pile_tip_level, "o-") axes.axvline(x=0.12, color="black", linestyle="--") axes.grid() axes.set_xlabel("Variation coefficient [-]")
[docs] def plot_bearing_capacity( self, axes: Axes | None = None, pile_load_uls: float = 0.0, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """ Plot the bearing capacity and variation coefficient in a subplot Note ------ For the `Net bearing capacity` subplot there are two colors plotted: - orange: conservative bearing capacity - blue: net bearing capacity Parameters ---------- axes: `plt.Axes` object where the data can be plotted on. pile_load_uls: Default is 0.0 ULS load in kN. **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. """ if axes is None: _, axes = plt.subplots(**kwargs) # add net bearing capacity to plot axes.scatter( self.net_design_bearing_capacity, self.pile_tip_level, color=list( map( lambda x: "tab:blue" if x <= 0.12 else "tab:orange", self.variation_coefficient, ) ), ) axes.axvline(x=pile_load_uls, color="black", linestyle="--") axes.grid() axes.set_xlabel("Net bearing capacity [kN]")
[docs] def plot_group_centre_to_centre_validation( self, axes: plt.Axes | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """ Plot the spacing checks in a subplot Note ------ For the `spacing` subplot there are two colors plotted: - red: invalid spacing - green: valid spacing Parameters ---------- axes: `plt.Axes` object where the data can be plotted on. **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. """ if axes is None: _, axes = plt.subplots(**kwargs) axes.scatter( [0] * len(self.pile_tip_level), self.pile_tip_level, marker="o", color=list( map( lambda x: "tab:green" if x else "tab:red", self.group_centre_to_centre_validation_25, ) ), ) axes.scatter( [1] * len(self.pile_tip_level), self.pile_tip_level, marker="s", color=list( map( lambda x: "tab:green" if x else "tab:red", self.group_centre_to_centre_validation_20, ) ), ) axes.scatter( [2] * len(self.pile_tip_level), self.pile_tip_level, marker="D", color=list( map( lambda x: "tab:green" if x else "tab:red", self.group_centre_to_centre_validation_15, ) ), ) axes.grid() axes.set_xticks([0, 1, 2], ["25", "20", "15"]) axes.set_xlabel("CPT ctc [m]")
[docs] def plot_xi(self, axes: plt.Axes | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Plot the xi factor in a subplot Note ------ For the `xi factor` subplot there are two colors plotted: - olive: xi3 - cyan: xi4 Parameters ---------- axes: `plt.Axes` object where the data can be plotted on. **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. """ if axes is None: _, axes = plt.subplots(**kwargs) axes.scatter( self.xi_values, self.pile_tip_level, color=list( map( lambda i: "tab:cyan" if i == "\u03BE4" else "tab:olive", self.xi_factor, ) ), ) axes.grid() axes.set_xlabel("xi value [-]")
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class SingleClusterResult: """ *Not meant to be instantiated by the user.* Attributes: ------------ cpt_names: List[str] List of cpt names present in this cluster coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float]] List of coordinates present in this cluster pile_load_uls ULS load in kN. Used to determine if a grouping configuration is valid. maximum_pile_level: float maximum pile level [m w.r.t NAP] minimum_pile_level: float minimum pile level [m w.r.t NAP] number_of_consecutive_pile_levels: int number of consecutive pile levels pile_load_check: bool True if a minimum design pile bearing capacity based on the given pile load ULS at one or more pile-tip levels. spatial_check: bool True if cluster is spatially coherent, which means there are no other CPTs in between the members of the subgroup. variation_check: bool True if a maximum variation coefficient of 12% at one or more pile-tip levels. centre_to_centre_check: bool True if one of the conditions stated in NEN9997-1 3.2.3 is met at one or more pile-tip levels. data: SingleClusterData single cluster dataclass """ cpt_names: List[str] coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float]] pile_load_uls: float maximum_pile_level: float minimum_pile_level: float number_of_consecutive_pile_levels: int pile_load_check: bool spatial_check: bool variation_check: bool centre_to_centre_check: bool data: SingleClusterData @classmethod def from_api_response( cls, response_dict: dict, pile_load_uls: float ) -> "SingleClusterResult": try: table = response_dict["table"] return cls( cpt_names=response_dict["names"], coordinates=response_dict["coordinates"], pile_load_uls=pile_load_uls, maximum_pile_level=response_dict["maximum_pile_level"], minimum_pile_level=response_dict["minimum_pile_level"], number_of_consecutive_pile_levels=response_dict[ "number_of_consecutive_pile_levels" ], pile_load_check=response_dict["pile_load_check"], spatial_check=response_dict["spatial_check"], variation_check=response_dict["variation_check"], centre_to_centre_check=response_dict["centre_to_centre_check"], data=SingleClusterData( characteristic_bearing_capacity=table[ "characteristic_bearing_capacity" ], design_bearing_capacity=table["design_bearing_capacity"], design_negative_friction=table["design_negative_friction"], group_centre_to_centre_validation=table[ "group_centre_to_centre_validation" ], group_centre_to_centre_validation_15=table[ "group_centre_to_centre_validation_15" ], group_centre_to_centre_validation_20=table[ "group_centre_to_centre_validation_20" ], group_centre_to_centre_validation_25=table[ "group_centre_to_centre_validation_25" ], mean_calculated_bearing_capacity=table[ "mean_calculated_bearing_capacity" ], min_calculated_bearing_capacity=table[ "min_calculated_bearing_capacity" ], net_design_bearing_capacity=table["net_design_bearing_capacity"], nominal_cpt=table["nominal_cpt"], pile_tip_level=[round(elem, 2) for elem in table["pile_tip_level"]], variation_coefficient=table["variation_coefficient"], xi_factor=table["xi_factor"], xi_values=table["xi_values"], ), ) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError( "Response dictionary is missing an expected key.\n" rf"Traceback: {e}" ) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( f"Could not create `SingleClusterResult` class with the following cpts: {response_dict.get('names')} \n" rf"Traceback: {e}" )
[docs] def map( self, figsize: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> plt.Figure: """ Plot a map of the cpt locations Parameters ---------- figsize: Size of the activate figure, as the `plt.figure()` argument. **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. Returns ------- axes: The `Axes` object where the data was plotted on. """ # Create axes objects if not provided kwargs_subplot = { "figsize": figsize, "tight_layout": True, } kwargs_subplot.update(kwargs) fig, axes = plt.subplots( **kwargs_subplot, ) # plot cpt xy = list(zip(*self.coordinates)) axes = axes.scatter(x=xy[0], y=xy[1], color="grey") # add labels (cpt names) to map for x, y, label in zip(xy[0], xy[1], self.cpt_names): axes.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(3, 3), textcoords="offset points") axes.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style="plain") return fig
[docs] def plot( self, figsize: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> plt.Figure: """ Plot contains the: - bearing capacity - variation coefficient - xi factor - centre to centre validation Note ------ For the `Net bearing capacity` subplot there are two colors plotted: - orange: conservative bearing capacity - blue: net bearing capacity For the `xi factor` subplot there are two colors plotted: - olive: xi3 - cyan: xi4 For the `spacing` subplot there are two colors plotted: - red: invalid spacing - green: valid spacing Parameters ---------- figsize: Size of the activate figure, as the `plt.figure()` argument. **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. Returns ------- figure: `plt.Figure` object. """ kwargs_subplot = { "sharey": "row", "sharex": "col", "figsize": figsize, } kwargs_subplot.update(kwargs) fig, axes = plt.subplots( 1, 4, **kwargs_subplot, ) # add plot variation coefficient[0]) # add plot bearing capacity[1], self.pile_load_uls) # add xi table[2]) # add centre to centre[3]) return fig
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class GrouperResults: """ *Not meant to be instantiated by the user.* Use the `from_api_response` method to instantiate the class. Attributes: ------------ clusters: List[SingleClusterResult] """ clusters: List[SingleClusterResult] multi_cpt_bearing_results: MultiCPTCompressionBearingResults def __post_init__(self) -> None: for cluster in self.clusters: for cpt_name in cluster.cpt_names: # check if the cpt names in the SingleClusterResults are also present # in the MultiCPTBearingResults if ( cpt_name not in self.multi_cpt_bearing_results.cpt_results.cpt_results_dict.keys() ): raise ValueError( "CPT names dont match between MultiCPTBearingResults object and GrouperResults. " "Make sure that you use the same MultiCPTBearingResults as you generated " "the subgroups/clusters with." ) # Check that all the pile tip levels in the SingleClusterResults are # also present in the MultiCPTBearingResults for pile_tip_level in if not np.isclose( pile_tip_level, self.multi_cpt_bearing_results.cpt_results.cpt_results_dict[ cpt_name ].table.pile_tip_level_nap, rtol=1e-2, ).any(): raise ValueError( "Pile tip levels dont match between MultiCPTBearingResults object and GrouperResults. " "Make sure that you use the same MultiCPTBearingResults as you generated " "the subgroups/clusters with." )
[docs] @classmethod def from_api_response( cls, response_dict: dict, pile_load_uls: float, multi_cpt_bearing_results: MultiCPTCompressionBearingResults, ) -> "GrouperResults": """ Stores the response of the PileCore endpoint "/grouper/group_cpts" Parameters ---------- response_dict: The resulting response of a call to `get_groups_api_result()` pile_load_uls: ULS load in kN. Used to determine if a grouping configuration is valid. multi_cpt_bearing_results: The container that holds multiple SingleCPTBearingResults objects """ results = [ SingleClusterResult.from_api_response(item, pile_load_uls) for item in response_dict["sub_groups"] ] return cls( clusters=results, multi_cpt_bearing_results=multi_cpt_bearing_results )
@cached_property def max_bearing_results(self) -> "MaxBearingResults": """ Get the results of the maximum net design bearing capacity (R_c_d_net) for every CPT. """ max_bearing: Dict[str, Any] = {} # iterate over single cpt result for ( cpt_name, _single_cpt_result, ) in self.multi_cpt_bearing_results.cpt_results.cpt_results_dict.items(): single_cpt_result = deepcopy(_single_cpt_result) max_bearing[cpt_name] = dict( pile_head_level_nap=single_cpt_result.pile_head_level_nap, soil_properties=single_cpt_result.soil_properties, results_table=dict( pile_tip_level_nap=single_cpt_result.table.pile_tip_level_nap, R_c_d_net=single_cpt_result.table.R_c_d_net, F_nk_d=single_cpt_result.table.F_nk_d, origin=[f"CPT:{cpt_name}"] * len(single_cpt_result.table.pile_tip_level_nap), ), ) # iterate over subgroups result for cluster_idx, cluster in enumerate(self.clusters): # iterate over cpts in subgroup for cpt_name in cluster.cpt_names: # iterate over pile tip levels in the cluster results for the cpt for cluster_ptl_idx, ptl in enumerate( # find corresponding pile tip level index in the max_bearing results max_bearing_ptl_idx = np.abs( max_bearing[cpt_name]["results_table"]["pile_tip_level_nap"] - ptl ).argmin() # check bearing capacity if[ cluster_ptl_idx ] > np.nan_to_num( max_bearing[cpt_name]["results_table"]["R_c_d_net"][ max_bearing_ptl_idx ] ): # replace data max_bearing[cpt_name]["results_table"]["R_c_d_net"][ max_bearing_ptl_idx ] =[cluster_ptl_idx] max_bearing[cpt_name]["results_table"]["F_nk_d"][ max_bearing_ptl_idx ] =[cluster_ptl_idx] max_bearing[cpt_name]["results_table"]["origin"][ max_bearing_ptl_idx ] = f"Group:{cluster_idx}" return MaxBearingResults( cpt_results_dict={ cpt_name: MaxBearingResult( pile_head_level_nap=data["pile_head_level_nap"], soil_properties=data["soil_properties"], table=MaxBearingTable( pile_tip_level_nap=data["results_table"]["pile_tip_level_nap"], R_c_d_net=data["results_table"]["R_c_d_net"], F_nk_d=data["results_table"]["F_nk_d"], origin=data["results_table"]["origin"], ), ) for cpt_name, data in max_bearing.items() } )
[docs] def map( self, distance: float = 25.0, add_tags: bool = True, figsize: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> plt.Figure: """ Plot a map of the valid subgroups. Plot contains the: - convex_hull of the subgroup with buffer distance - All CPT's with tag Parameters ---------- distance : float, optional Default is 25. The buffer around the convex_hull of the subgroup add_tags : bool, optional default is True Show the CTP names as tags on the map figsize: Size of the activate figure, as the `plt.figure()` argument. **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. Returns ------- figure: The `Figure` object where the data was plotted on. """ kwargs_subplot = { "figsize": figsize, "tight_layout": True, } kwargs_subplot.update(kwargs) figure, axes = plt.subplots( **kwargs_subplot, ) for group_id, cluster in enumerate(self.clusters): # add cpts to plot xy = list(zip(*cluster.coordinates)) axes.scatter(xy[0], xy[1], color="grey") if add_tags: for x, y, label in zip(xy[0], xy[1], cluster.cpt_names): axes.annotate( label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(3, 3), textcoords="offset points" ) # add group convex hull polygon = ( MultiPoint(cluster.coordinates) .convex_hull.buffer(distance=distance) .exterior ) axes.plot(polygon.xy[0], polygon.xy[1], label=f"Group {group_id}") axes.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left") axes.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style="plain") return figure
[docs] def plot( self, figsize: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> plt.Figure: """ Plot a summary of the valid subgroups. Note ----- Plot contains the: - cpts within a subgroup - green: There are no other CPTs in between the members of the subgroup. The group is also compliant with the NEN9997-1 3.2.3 centre to centre validation. - orange: There are no other CPTs in between the members of the subgroup. The centre-to-centre check failed and so the group does not follow the NEN9997-1 3.2.3 centre to centre validation. - red: There are other CPTs in between the members of the subgroup. - valid depth of the subgroup Parameters ---------- figsize: Size of the activate figure, as the `plt.figure()` argument. **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. Returns ------- figure: the `plt.Figure` object. """ kwargs_subplot = { "sharex": "row", "figsize": figsize, "tight_layout": True, } kwargs_subplot.update(kwargs) figure, axes = plt.subplots( 1, 2, **kwargs_subplot, ) # place holds needed to sort for plot group_id_list_sort = [] cpt_names_list: List[str] = [] color_list = [] group_id_list = [] for group_id, cluster in enumerate(self.clusters): group_id_list_sort.extend([group_id] * len(cluster.cpt_names)) cpt_names_list.extend(cluster.cpt_names) color_list.extend( [ "tab:green" if cluster.spatial_check and cluster.centre_to_centre_check else "tab:orange" if cluster.spatial_check and ~cluster.centre_to_centre_check else "tab:red" ] * len(cluster.cpt_names) ) valid_pile_level = np.array([ np.array( >= cluster.pile_load_uls ] axes[1].scatter([group_id] * len(valid_pile_level), valid_pile_level) group_id_list.append(group_id) data = pd.DataFrame( { "group_id": group_id_list_sort, "cpt_names": cpt_names_list, "colors": color_list, } ).sort_values("cpt_names", ascending=False, key=natsort.natsort_keygen()) axes[0].scatter(x="group_id", y="cpt_names", color="colors", data=data) axes[0].set_xlabel("Group ID") axes[0].set_xticks(group_id_list) axes[0].set_ylabel("CPT name") axes[0].grid(which="major", axis="both", alpha=0.1) axes[1].set_xlabel("Group ID") axes[1].set_ylabel("Depth [m NAP]") axes[1].grid(which="major", axis="both", alpha=0.1) return figure