Source code for pypilecore.results.soil_properties

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from pypilecore.utils import depth_to_nap, nap_to_depth

Number = Union[float, int]

SOIL_COLOR_DIC_intern = {
    "G": "#708090",
    "Z": "#DBAD4B",
    "L": "#0078C1",
    "K": "#578E57",
    "V": "#a76b29",

    "G": "Gravel",
    "Z": "Sand",
    "L": "Loam",
    "V": "Peat",
    "K": "Clay",

    value: SOIL_COLOR_DIC_intern[key]
    for key, value in ENG_MAIN_COMPONENT_NAME_DIC.items()

def get_soil_layer_handles() -> List[Patch]:
    return [Patch(color=clr, label=key) for (key, clr) in SOIL_COLOR_DIC.items()]

[docs]class LayerTable: """ Object that contains the Soil-layer data-traces. """ def __init__( self, index: Sequence[int], thickness: Sequence[float], depth_btm: Sequence[float], C_s: Sequence[float] | None, C_p: Sequence[float] | None, gamma: Sequence[float], gamma_sat: Sequence[float], phi: Sequence[float], soil_code: Sequence[str], ): self.index = np.array(index).astype(np.float64) """Layer index""" self.thickness = np.array(thickness).astype(np.float64) """The layer thickness [m]""" self.depth_btm = np.array(depth_btm).astype(np.float64) """The depth of the layer bottom (below service level) [m].""" self.C_s = np.array(C_s).astype(np.float64) """Koppejan parameters for secondary compression.""" self.C_p = np.array(C_p).astype(np.float64) """Koppejan parameters for primary compression.""" self.gamma = np.array(gamma).astype(np.float64) """The dry unit weights [MPa].""" self.gamma_sat = np.array(gamma_sat).astype(np.float64) """The saturated unit weights [MPa].""" self.phi = np.array(phi).astype(np.float64) """Internal friction angle. [rad]""" self.soil_code = np.array(soil_code).astype(np.str_) """ The code used to describe the soil layers of the boreholes. Main components are specified with capital letters and are the following: - G: gravel (Grind) - Z: sand (Zand) - L: loam (Leem) - K: clay (Klei) - V: peat (Veen) """ dict_lengths = {} for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if not np.all(pd.isnull(value)): dict_lengths[key] = len(value) if len(set(dict_lengths.values())) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Inputs for LayerTable must have same lengths, but got lengths: {dict_lengths}" ) self.__dict__.update({"depth_top": self.depth_top})
[docs] @classmethod def from_api_response(cls, layer_table_dict: dict) -> "LayerTable": """ Instantiates the LayerTable object from the "layer_table" object, which is returned in the response of a "compression/multiple-cpts/results" endpoint call. """ return cls( index=layer_table_dict["index"], thickness=layer_table_dict["thickness"], depth_btm=layer_table_dict["depth_btm"], C_s=layer_table_dict.get("C_s"), C_p=layer_table_dict.get("C_p"), gamma=layer_table_dict["gamma"], gamma_sat=layer_table_dict["gamma_sat"], phi=layer_table_dict["phi"], soil_code=layer_table_dict["soil_code"], )
@property def depth_top(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: return self.depth_btm - self.thickness
[docs] @lru_cache def to_pandas(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """The pandas.DataFrame representation""" return pd.DataFrame(self.__dict__).dropna(axis=0, how="all")
[docs]class CPTTable: """ Object that contains the CPT-related data-traces of a bearing calculation. These can be either raw input data, corrected data or intermediate results. """ def __init__( self, depth_nap: Sequence[float] | None, qc: Sequence[float] | None, qc_original: Sequence[float] | None, qc_chamfered: Sequence[float] | None, qc1: Sequence[float] | None, qc2: Sequence[float] | None, fs: Sequence[float] | None, qs_d: Sequence[float] | None, f1: Sequence[float] | None, f2_d_mean: Sequence[float] | None, f3: Sequence[float] | None, R_t_d: Sequence[float] | None, phi_plug: Sequence[float] | None, R_t_d_plug: Sequence[float] | None, alpha_t: Sequence[float] | None, alpha_t_1: Sequence[float] | None, alpha_t_2: Sequence[float] | None, ): if depth_nap is None: self.depth_nap = np.array([depth_nap]).astype(np.float64) else: self.depth_nap = np.array(depth_nap).astype(np.float64).round(decimals=2) """The depth [m] w.r.t. NAP""" self.qc = np.array(qc).astype(np.float64) """The cone resistance signal from the CPT [MPa], possibly corrected for excavation or OCR.""" self.qc_original = np.array(qc_original).astype(np.float64) """The original cone resistance signal from the CPT [MPa].""" self.qc_chamfered = np.array(qc_chamfered).astype(np.float64) """The chamfered-qc signal, used for the positive friction range [MPa].""" self.qc1 = np.array(qc1).astype(np.float64) """The Koppejan-qc1 trajectory [MPa].""" self.qc2 = np.array(qc2).astype(np.float64) """The Koppejan-qc2 trajectory [MPa].""" self.fs = np.array(fs).astype(np.float64) """The original fs signal from the CPT [MPa].""" self.qs_d = np.array(qs_d).astype(np.float64) """The computational value of shaft friction [kPa].""" self.f1 = np.array(f1).astype(np.float64) """factor for the effect of compaction in the pile group ( (e) NEN 9997-1+C2:2017) [-].""" self.f2_d_mean = np.array(f2_d_mean).astype(np.float64) """factor for the decrease in grain stress in sand layers from which the pile derives its tensile resistance ( (f) NEN 9997-1+C2:2017) [-].""" self.f3 = np.array(f3).astype(np.float64) """factor for the decrease in bearing capacity from the length—effect, according to figure 6.1a en 6.1b (CROW-CUR Rapport 236 Richtlijn Ankerpalen [2023]) [-].""" self.R_t_d = np.array(R_t_d).astype(np.float64) """calculation value of the tensile resistance of a pile or pile group ( (a) NEN 9997-1+C2:2017 or CROW-CUR Rapport 236 Richtlijn Ankerpalen [2023]) [kN].""" self.phi_plug = np.array(phi_plug).astype(np.float64) """Half top angle of the ground cone ( Table 7.e NEN 9997-1+C2:2017) [degrees].""" self.R_t_d_plug = np.array(R_t_d_plug).astype(np.float64) """root ball weight, excluding the weight of the pile ( (h) NEN 9997-1+C2:2017) [kN].""" self.alpha_t = np.array(alpha_t).astype(np.float64) """Alpha t factor used in tension resistance calculation [-]. based on table 7.d NEN 9997-1+C2:2017.""" self.alpha_t_1 = np.array(alpha_t_1).astype(np.float64) """Alpha t factor used in tension resistance calculation [-]. tabel 6.2 CROW-CUR Rapport 236 Richtlijn Ankerpalen [2023].""" self.alpha_t_2 = np.array(alpha_t_2).astype(np.float64) """Alpha t factor used in tension resistance calculation [-]. tabel 6.2 CROW-CUR Rapport 236 Richtlijn Ankerpalen [2023].""" dict_lengths = {} for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if not np.all(np.isnan(value)): dict_lengths[key] = len(value) if len(set(dict_lengths.values())) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Inputs for CPTTable must have same lengths, but got lengths: {dict_lengths}" ) self.__dict__.update({"friction_ratio": self.friction_ratio})
[docs] @classmethod def from_api_response(cls, cpt_chart_dict: dict) -> "CPTTable": """ Instantiates the CPTTable object from the "cpt_chart" object, which is returned in the response of a "compression/multiple-cpts/results" endpoint call. """ return cls( depth_nap=cpt_chart_dict.get("depth_nap"), qc=cpt_chart_dict.get("qc"), qc_original=cpt_chart_dict.get("qc_original"), qc_chamfered=cpt_chart_dict.get("qc_chamfered"), qc1=cpt_chart_dict.get("qc1"), qc2=cpt_chart_dict.get("qc2"), fs=cpt_chart_dict.get("fs"), qs_d=cpt_chart_dict.get("qs_d"), f1=cpt_chart_dict.get("f1"), f2_d_mean=cpt_chart_dict.get("f2_d_mean"), f3=cpt_chart_dict.get("f3"), R_t_d=cpt_chart_dict.get("R_t_d"), phi_plug=cpt_chart_dict.get("phi_plug"), R_t_d_plug=cpt_chart_dict.get("R_t_d_plug"), alpha_t=cpt_chart_dict.get("alpha_t"), alpha_t_1=cpt_chart_dict.get("alpha_t_1"), alpha_t_2=cpt_chart_dict.get("alpha_t_2"), )
@property def friction_ratio(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: return np.array(self.fs / self.qc * 100) @property def qc_has_been_chamfered(self) -> bool: """Returns False if `qc_chamfered` contains the same data as `qc`.""" return not np.allclose(self.qc, self.qc_chamfered) @property def qc_has_been_reduced(self) -> bool: """Returns False if `qc` contains the same data as `qc_original`.""" return not np.allclose(self.qc_original, self.qc)
[docs] @lru_cache def to_pandas(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """The pandas.DataFrame representation""" return pd.DataFrame(self.__dict__).dropna(axis=0, how="all")
[docs] def plot_qc( self, axes: Axes | None = None, add_legend: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Axes: """ Plots the qc data on the provided `Axes`. Parameters ---------- axes: Optional Axes to plot on. add_legend: Add a legend (default = True). **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. Returns ------- axes: The matplotlib Axes object """ if axes is not None: if not isinstance(axes, Axes): raise TypeError( f"`axes` input for CPTTable.plot_qc() should be a `matplotlib.axes.Axes` object or None, but got: {type(axes)}." ) else: kwargs_subplot = { "tight_layout": True, } kwargs_subplot.update(kwargs) _, axes = plt.subplots( 1, 1, **kwargs_subplot, ) if not isinstance(axes, Axes): raise ValueError( "Could not create Axes objects. This is probably due to invalid matplotlib keyword arguments. " ) if np.all(np.isnan(self.qc)): qc = np.ones_like(self.depth_nap) * np.nan else: qc = self.qc # Plot Base qc subplot if self.qc_has_been_chamfered is True: axes.plot( self.qc_chamfered, self.depth_nap, label="$q_{c;a}$", color="orange", linestyle=":", ) if self.qc_has_been_reduced is True: axes.plot( self.qc_original, self.depth_nap, label="$q_{c;original}$", linestyle="-", color="darkblue", ) axes.plot( qc, self.depth_nap, label="$q_{c;reduced}$", linestyle="-", color="orange", ) else: axes.plot( qc, self.depth_nap, label="$q_c$", linestyle="-", color="darkblue", ) axes.set_xlim((0, 40)) axes.set_ylabel("Depth [m NAP]") axes.set_xlabel("$q_c$ [MPa]") axes.xaxis.label.set_color("darkblue") # add grid axes.grid() if add_legend: axes.legend( loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), ) return axes
[docs] def plot_friction_ratio( self, axes: Axes | None = None, add_legend: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Axes: """ Plots the friction-ratio data on the provided `Axes`. Parameters ---------- axes: Optional Axes to plot on. add_legend: Add a legend (default = True). **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. Returns ------- axes: The matplotlib Axes object """ if axes is not None: if not isinstance(axes, Axes): raise TypeError( f"`axes` input for CPTTable.plot_rf() should be a `matplotlib.axes.Axes` object or None, but got: {type(axes)}." ) else: kwargs_subplot = { "tight_layout": True, } kwargs_subplot.update(kwargs) _, axes = plt.subplots( 1, 1, **kwargs_subplot, ) if not isinstance(axes, Axes): raise ValueError( "Could not create Axes objects. This is probably due to invalid matplotlib keyword arguments. " ) if np.all(np.isnan(self.friction_ratio)): friction_ratio = np.ones_like(self.depth_nap) * np.nan else: friction_ratio = self.friction_ratio # add friction number subplot axes.plot( friction_ratio, self.depth_nap, label="Rf", color="darkgray", ) axes.spines["top"].set_position(("outward", 0)) axes.set_xlabel("Friction ratio [%]") axes.xaxis.label.set_color("lightgray") axes.set_xlim(0, 20) if add_legend: axes.legend( loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), ) return axes
[docs]class SoilProperties: """ A class for soil properties. """ def __init__( self, cpt_table: CPTTable, layer_table: LayerTable, ref_height: float, surface_level_ref: float, groundwater_level_ref: float, test_id: str | None = None, x: float | None = None, y: float | None = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- cpt_table: The CPTTable object layer_table: The LayerTable object. ref_height: The vertical reference [m]. surface_level_ref: The elevation of the surface w.r.t. the vertical reference [m]. This could be the level post-excavation. groundwater_level_ref: The elevation of the groundwater w.r.t. the vertical reference [m]. test_id: Identifier of the CPT x: x coordinate of CPT y: y coordinate of CPT """ self._cpt_table = cpt_table self._layer_table = layer_table self._ref_height = ref_height self._test_id = test_id self._groundwater_level_ref = groundwater_level_ref self._surface_level_ref = surface_level_ref self._x = x self._y = y @property def cpt_table(self) -> CPTTable: """The CPTTable object""" return self._cpt_table @property def layer_table(self) -> LayerTable: """The LayerTable object""" return self._layer_table @property def x(self) -> float | None: """x-coordinate of the CPT""" return self._x @property def y(self) -> float | None: """y-coordinate of the CPT""" return self._y @property def test_id(self) -> str | None: """Identifier of the CPT""" return self._test_id @property def ref_height(self) -> float: """The vertical reference [m].""" return self._ref_height @property def groundwater_level_ref(self) -> float: """The elevation of the groundwater w.r.t. the vertical reference [m].""" return self._groundwater_level_ref @property def surface_level_ref(self) -> float: """The elevation of the surface w.r.t. the vertical reference [m]. This could be the level post-excavation.""" return self._surface_level_ref
[docs] def plot_layers( self, axes: Axes | None = None, hide_excavated: bool = False, add_legend: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Axes: """ Plots the soil layers on the provided `Axes`. Parameters ---------- axes: Optional `Axes` object where the soil-layer data can be plotted on. If not provided, a new `plt.Figure` will be activated and the `Axes` object will be created and returned. hide_excavated: Hide the layers under the excavation level. add_legend: Add a legend to the axes object **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. Returns ------- axes: The `Axes` object where the soil layers were plotted on """ if axes is not None: if not isinstance(axes, Axes): raise TypeError( f"`axes` input for CPTTable.plot_qc() should be a `matplotlib.axes.Axes` object or None, but got: {type(axes)}." ) else: kwargs_subplot = { "tight_layout": True, } kwargs_subplot.update(kwargs) _, axes = plt.subplots( 1, 1, **kwargs_subplot, ) if not isinstance(axes, Axes): raise ValueError( "Could not create Axes objects. This is probably due to invalid matplotlib keyword arguments. " ) # add soil layers subplot for depth_btm, delta_z, main_component in zip( self.layer_table.depth_btm, self.layer_table.thickness, self.layer_table.soil_code, ): if hide_excavated: if depth_btm < nap_to_depth(self.surface_level_ref, self.ref_height): continue if depth_btm - delta_z < nap_to_depth( self.surface_level_ref, self.ref_height ): delta_z = depth_btm - nap_to_depth( self.surface_level_ref, self.ref_height ) if main_component[0] not in list(SOIL_COLOR_DIC_intern.keys()): raise ValueError( "Cannot plot Soil Properties, update SOIL_COLOR_DIC" "to match soil_code of the layer table" ) axes.fill_between( [0, 1], y1=depth_to_nap(depth_btm, self.ref_height) + delta_z, y2=depth_to_nap(depth_btm, self.ref_height), color=SOIL_COLOR_DIC_intern[main_component[0]], ) axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) if add_legend: axes.legend( handles=get_soil_layer_handles(), loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), title="name: " + self.test_id if self.test_id is not None else "name: unknown", ) return axes
[docs] def plot( self, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (10.0, 12.0), width_ratios: Tuple[float, float] = (1.0, 0.1), add_legend: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Figure: """ Plots the CPT and soil table data. Parameters ---------- figsize: Size of the activate figure, as the `plt.figure()` argument. width_ratios: Tuple of width-ratios of the subplots, as the `plt.GridSpec` argument. add_legend: Add a legend to the second axes object **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. Returns ------- fig: The matplotlib Figure """ kwargs_subplot = { "gridspec_kw": {"width_ratios": width_ratios}, "sharey": "row", "figsize": figsize, "tight_layout": True, } kwargs_subplot.update(kwargs) fig, _ = plt.subplots( 1, 2, **kwargs_subplot, ) ax_qc, ax_layers = fig.axes ax_rf = ax_qc.twiny() assert isinstance(ax_rf, Axes) # Plot horizontal lines ax_qc.axhline( y=self.groundwater_level_ref, color="tab:blue", linestyle="--", label="Groundwater level", ) ax_qc.axhline( y=self.surface_level_ref, color="tab:brown", linestyle="--", label="Surface level", ) self.cpt_table.plot_qc(ax_qc, add_legend=False) self.cpt_table.plot_friction_ratio(ax_rf, add_legend=False) self.plot_layers(axes=ax_layers, add_legend=False) if add_legend: ax_qc_legend_handles_list = ax_qc.get_legend_handles_labels()[0] ax_rf_legend_handles_list = ax_rf.get_legend_handles_labels()[0] handles_list = [ *ax_qc_legend_handles_list, *ax_rf_legend_handles_list, ] ax_qc.legend( handles=handles_list, loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), title="name: " + self.test_id if self.test_id is not None else "name: unknown", ) # Add a legend if required if add_legend: ax_qc_legend_handles_list = ax_qc.get_legend_handles_labels()[0] ax_rf_legend_handles_list = ax_rf.get_legend_handles_labels()[0] soil_layer_legend_handles_list = get_soil_layer_handles() handles_list = [ *ax_qc_legend_handles_list, *ax_rf_legend_handles_list, *soil_layer_legend_handles_list, ] ax_layers.legend( handles=handles_list, loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), title="name: " + self.test_id if self.test_id is not None else "name: unknown", ) return fig