Source code for pypilecore.viewers.viewer_cpt_results

from __future__ import annotations  # noqa: F404

from typing import Any

import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import DisplayHandle, display
from ipywidgets import widgets
from natsort import natsorted

from pypilecore.results.cases_multi_cpt_results import CasesMultiCPTBearingResults
from pypilecore.viewers.interactive_figures import FigureCPTResultsVersusPtls

[docs]class ViewerCptResults: """ Viewer for the CPT results of the bearing capacity calculations. It offers the following layout: - Dropdown widgets: - Case: to select the case to show. - Result: to select the result to show. - Figure CPT results vs. pile tip level: - X axis: result values - Y axis: pile tip level w.r.t. NAP - Each trace represents a different CPT. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cases_multi_results: CasesMultiCPTBearingResults) -> None: """Initialize the viewer. Parameters ---------- cases_multi_results : CasesMultiCPTBearingResults The results of the bearing capacity calculations. Raises ------ TypeError If 'cases_multi_results' are not of type 'CasesMultiCPTBearingResults'. """ # Initialize figure CPT resuls vs. pile tip level self._figure_plts = FigureCPTResultsVersusPtls( cases_multi_results=cases_multi_results ) # Set up control widgets self._case_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown( description="Case:", value=self._figure_plts.cases[0], options=self._figure_plts.cases, ) _options = natsorted( pd.unique(cases_multi_results.cpt_results_dataframe.result_name) ) self._result_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown( description="Result:", value=_options[0], options=_options, ) # Update plot for initial selection of control widgets self._update_case_and_result(None) # Set up callbacks self._case_dropdown.observe(self._update_case_and_result, "value") self._result_dropdown.observe(self._update_case_and_result, "value") # Set up layout self._control_widgets = widgets.HBox( [ self._case_dropdown, self._result_dropdown, ] ) self._layout = widgets.VBox( [self._control_widgets, self._figure_plts.figure] ) # , width=800)
def _update_case_and_result(self, change: Any) -> None: """Private method to update the figure when the case or result name are changed in the control widgets.""" # Update the figure self._figure_plts.show_case_and_result( case_name=self._case_dropdown.value, result_name=self._result_dropdown.value, )
[docs] def display(self) -> DisplayHandle | None: """Display the figure.""" return display(self._layout)