Source code for pyvibracore.input.vibration_properties

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
import uuid
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Literal

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point, Polygon, mapping

from .constants import SOIL_REFERENCE


[docs]def get_buildings_geodataframe( west: float, south: float, east: float, north: float, category: Literal["one", "two"] = "two", monumental: bool = False, structural_condition: Literal["sensitive", "normal"] = "normal", vibration_sensitive: bool = False, thickness: float = 8.0, foundation_element: Literal[ "shallow foundation", "concrete piles", "timber piles", "steel piles" ] = "shallow foundation", material_floor: Literal["concrete", "wood"] = "concrete", feature: Literal[ "bag:pand", "bag:ligplaats", "bag:verblijfsobject", "bag:woonplaats", "bag:standplaats", ] = "bag:pand", pagesize: Literal[10, 20, 50, 100, 1000] = 1000, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Get a GeoDataFrame with the default values for CUR166 and PrePal methode. Parameters ---------- west: west coordinate in rd new (EPSG:28992) south: south coordinate in rd new (EPSG:28992) east: east coordinate in rd new (EPSG:28992) north: north coordinate in rd new (EPSG:28992) category: Building category based on the SBR A table 10.1. monumental: Has the building structure a monumental status. Based on the SBR A table 10.3. structural_condition: Based on the SBR A table 10.2. vibration_sensitive: Has the building structure a vibration sensitive foundation. Based on the SBR A chapter 10.2.5. thickness: Layer thickness settlement-sensitive layer [m] foundation_element: Based on CUR 166 3rd edition table 5.19 material_floor: Based on CUR 166 3rd edition table 5.20 feature: default is bag:pand item in the BAG, see pagesize: Results per page Returns ------- gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame """ if west > east: raise ValueError("west coordinate is larger than east coordinate") if south > north: raise ValueError("south coordinate is larger than north coordinate") if east - west > THRESHOLD: raise ValueError( f"x dimension of the bbox is {east - west} meters, larger than threshold" ) if north - south > THRESHOLD: raise ValueError( f"y dimension of the bbox is {north - south} meters, larger than threshold" ) wfs_query_params = { "service": "WFS", "version": "2.0.0", "request": "GetFeature", "pagingEnabled": "True", "typeName": feature, "srsname": "EPSG:28992", "outputFormat": "application/json; subtype=geojson", "bbox": str(west) + "," + str(south) + "," + str(east) + "," + str(north), "count": pagesize, "startindex": 0, } paging = True array = [] while paging: response = requests.get( url=BAG_WFS_URL, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, params=wfs_query_params, timeout=5, ) if not response.ok: raise RuntimeError(response.text) _gdf = gpd.read_file(json.dumps(response.json()), driver="GeoJSON").to_crs( "EPSG:28992" ) array.append(_gdf) paging = len(_gdf) == int(wfs_query_params["count"]) wfs_query_params["startindex"] = int(wfs_query_params["count"]) + int( wfs_query_params["startindex"] ) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(array)) # add default values gdf["name"] = gdf.index.astype(str) # sbr-A gdf["category"] = category gdf["structuralCondition"] = structural_condition gdf["vibrationSensitive"] = vibration_sensitive gdf["thickness"] = thickness gdf["monumental"] = monumental # prepal gdf["buildingDepth"] = np.clip(np.sqrt(gdf.area), 1.0, 18.0) gdf["buildingDepthVibrationSensitive"] = 1.0 # cur166 gdf["foundationElement"] = foundation_element gdf["material"] = material_floor return gdf
[docs]def create_prepal_payload( buildings: gpd.GeoDataFrame, location: Polygon | LineString | Point, pile_shape: Literal["square", "round"], pile_size: float, cone_resistance: float, reduction: float = 0.0, unit_weight: float = 20, elastic_modulus_factor: float = 15, poisson_ratio: float = 0.2, frequency: float = 20.0, vibration_type: Literal[ "short-term", "repeated-short-term", "continuous" ] = "continuous", frequency_vibration_sensitive: float = 40.0, measurement_type: Literal["indicative", "limited", "extensive"] = "extensive", hysteretic_damping_barkan: float = -0.05, ) -> dict: """ Create payload for VibraCore call `cur166/validation/multi` Parameters ---------- buildings GeoDataFrame that holds teh building information. Must have the following columns: - buildingDepth: The minimum building depth [m] - buildingDepthVibrationSensitive: The minimum building depth [m] - category Based on the SBR A table 10.1. - monumental Has the building structure a monumental status. Based on the SBR A table 10.3. - structuralCondition Based on the SBR A table 10.2. - thickness Layer thickness settlement-sensitive layer [m] - vibrationSensitive Has the building structure a vibration sensitive foundation. Based on the SBR A chapter 10.2.5. location: Location of the source poisson_ratio: Poisson’s ratio of the soil [-] elastic_modulus_factor: Elastic modulus factor of the soil [-]. unit_weight: Volume weight of the soil [kN/m^3] cone_resistance: Cone resistance [MPa] reduction: Reduction of the cone resistance [%] pile_size: Size of the pile [m] pile_shape: Shape of the pile. frequency: The dominate frequency [Hz] vibration_type Based on the SBR A table 10.4. frequency_vibration_sensitive The dominate frequency for vibration sensitive building [Hz]. measurement_type Type of measurement based on the SBR A table 9.2. hysteretic_damping_barkan: hysteretic damping barkan [m^-1] Returns ------- payload: dict Raises ------- KeyError: Missing column names in GeoDataFrame """ columns = [ "category", "structuralCondition", "vibrationSensitive", "thickness", "buildingDepth", ] if not set(columns).issubset(set(buildings.columns)): msg = ( f"Column names:{list(set(columns) - set(buildings.columns))} must be in GeoDataFrame. " f"Found column names: {buildings.columns}" ) raise KeyError(msg) payload = { "buildingInformation": [ { "geometry": mapping(row.geometry), "metadata": {"ID": row.get("name", uuid.uuid4().__str__())}, "properties_PrePal": { "buildingDepth": row["buildingDepth"], "buildingDepthVibrationSensitive": row.get( "buildingDepthVibrationSensitive", 1 ), "calculationHeight": None, }, "properties_SBRa": { "category": row["category"], "frequency": frequency, "frequencyVibrationSensitive": frequency_vibration_sensitive, "monumental": row["monumental"], "structuralCondition": row["structuralCondition"], "thickness": row["thickness"], "vibrationSensitive": row["vibrationSensitive"], "vibrationType": vibration_type, }, } for i, row in buildings.iterrows() ], "vibrationSource": {"shape": pile_shape, "size": pile_size}, "soilProperties": { "coneResistance": cone_resistance * (100 - reduction) / 100, "elasticModulus": cone_resistance * elastic_modulus_factor, "poissonRatio": poisson_ratio, "unitWeight": unit_weight, }, "prediction": { "hystereticDampingBarkan": hysteretic_damping_barkan, "measurementType": measurement_type, }, "validation": {"sourceLocation": mapping(location)}, } return payload
[docs]def create_cur166_payload( buildings: gpd.GeoDataFrame, location: Polygon | LineString | Point, force: float, reduction: float = 0, installation_type: Literal["vibrate", "driving"] = "vibrate", building_part: Literal["floor", "wall"] = "floor", safety_factor: float = 0.05, vibration_direction: Literal["vertical", "horizontal"] = "vertical", frequency: float = 30.0, vibration_type: Literal[ "short-term", "repeated-short-term", "continuous" ] = "continuous", frequency_vibration_sensitive: float = 40.0, reference_location: Literal[ "Amsterdam", "Maasvlakte", "Rotterdam", "Groningen", "Den Haag", "Tiel", "Eindhoven", ] = "Amsterdam", measurement_type: Literal["indicative", "limited", "extensive"] = "extensive", methode_safety_factor: Literal["CUR", "exact"] = "exact", ) -> dict: """ Create payload for VibraCore call `cur166/validation/multi` Parameters ---------- buildings GeoDataFrame that holds teh building information. Must have the following columns: - foundationElement Based on CUR 166 3rd edition table 5.19 - material Based on CUR 166 3rd edition table 5.20 - category Based on the SBR A table 10.1. - monumental Has the building structure a monumental status. Based on the SBR A table 10.3. - structuralCondition Based on the SBR A table 10.2. - thickness Layer thickness settlement-sensitive layer [m] - vibrationSensitive Has the building structure a vibration sensitive foundation. Based on the SBR A chapter 10.2.5. location: Location of the source force: Impact force of the pile [kN] reduction: Reduction of impact [%] installation_type Based on CUR 166 3rd edition table 5.20 or 5.21 building_part Based on CUR 166 3rd edition table 5.20 or 5.21 safety_factor Based on CUR 166 3rd edition table 5.22 vibration_direction Based on CUR 166 3rd edition table 5.22 frequency: The dominate frequency [Hz] vibration_type Based on the SBR A table 10.4. frequency_vibration_sensitive The dominate frequency for vibration sensitive building [Hz]. If not provided the frequency of 20 Hz is used for PrePal and 40 for CUR 166 3rd edition high frequency vibration calculation. reference_location Based on CUR 166-1997 table 5.16 and 5.17 measurement_type Type of measurement based on the SBR A table 9.2. methode_safety_factor Parameter that indicated how the safety factor is calculated. Find more info about the exact method here -> Returns ------- payload: dict Raises ------- ValueError: No reference values found for reference location KeyError: Missing column names in GeoDataFrame """ reference = next( ( item for item in SOIL_REFERENCE if item["location"] == reference_location and item["method"] == installation_type and item["vibration_direction"] == vibration_direction ), None, ) if reference is None: raise ValueError( f"No reference values found for reference location: {reference_location}" f"with installation type: {installation_type} and vibration direction: {vibration_direction}." ) columns = [ "foundationElement", "material", "category", "monumental", "structuralCondition", "thickness", "vibrationSensitive", ] if not set(columns).issubset(set(buildings.columns)): msg = ( f"Column names:{list(set(columns) - set(buildings.columns))} must be in GeoDataFrame. " f"Found column names: {buildings.columns}" ) raise KeyError(msg) payload = { "buildingInformation": [ { "geometry": mapping(row.geometry), "metadata": {"ID": row.get("name", uuid.uuid4().__str__())}, "properties_CUR": { "buildingPart": building_part, "foundationElement": row["foundationElement"], "installationType": installation_type, "material": row["material"], "safetyFactor": safety_factor, "vibrationDirection": vibration_direction, }, "properties_SBRa": { "category": row["category"], "frequency": frequency, "frequencyVibrationSensitive": frequency_vibration_sensitive, "monumental": row["monumental"], "structuralCondition": row["structuralCondition"], "thickness": row["thickness"], "vibrationSensitive": row["vibrationSensitive"], "vibrationType": vibration_type, }, } for _, row in buildings.iterrows() ], "prediction": { "hystereticDampingBarkan": reference["alpha"], "force": force * (100 - reduction) / 100, "measurementType": measurement_type, "methodeSafetyFactor": methode_safety_factor, "referencesVelocity": reference["Uo"], "variationCoefficient": reference["Vo"], }, "validation": {"sourceLocation": mapping(location)}, } return payload
[docs]def get_normative_building( buildings: gpd.GeoDataFrame, location: Polygon | LineString | Point, category: Literal["one", "two"], ) -> str | None: """ Get the name of the closest building Parameters ---------- buildings: GeoDataFrame that holds the building information location: Geometry of the source location category: building category based on the SBR A table 10.1. Returns ------- name: str """ gdf = buildings.get(buildings["category"] == category) if gdf.empty: logging.error(f"ValueError: No buildings with category {category}.") return None gdf["distance"] = gdf.distance(location) return gdf.sort_values("distance", na_position="last").iloc[0].get("name")
[docs]def create_single_payload( multi_vibration_payload: dict, name: str, ) -> dict: """ Create payload for VibraCore call `cur166/validation/single` or `prepal/validation/single` Parameters ---------- multi_vibration_payload: result from `create_cur166_payload` or `create_prepal_payload` name: building name Returns ------- payload: dict """ payload = deepcopy(multi_vibration_payload) props = next( ( item for item in payload["buildingInformation"] if item["metadata"]["ID"] == name ), None, ) if props is None: raise ValueError(f"{name} is not a valid building name.") payload.update(dict(buildingInformation=props)) return payload
[docs]def create_vibration_report_payload( multi_vibration_payload: dict, project_name: str, project_id: str, author: str, ) -> dict: """ Creates a dictionary with the payload content for the VibraCore endpoint "/cur166/report" or "/prepal/report" This dictionary can be passed directly to `nuclei.client.call_endpoint()`. Parameters ---------- vibration_payload: The result of a call to `create_cur166_payload()` or `create_prepal_payload()` project_name: The name of the project. project_id: The identifier (code) of the project. author: The author of the report. Returns ------- payload: dict """ payload = deepcopy(multi_vibration_payload) payload.update( dict( reportProperties=dict( author=author, projectNumber=project_id, projectName=project_name, ), ) ) return payload