Source code for pyvibracore.results.vibration_result

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Tuple

import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point, Polygon

from pyvibracore.results.plot_utils import _north_arrow, _scalebar

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class VibrationResults: """ Dataclass that holds the information from `/cur166/validation/multi` or `/prepal/validation/multi` Attributes ----------- gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame """ gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame
[docs] @classmethod def from_api_response(cls, response_dict: dict) -> "VibrationResults": """ Stores the response of the VibraCore endpoint Parameters ---------- response_dict: The resulting response of a call to `/cur166/validation/multi` or `/prepal/validation/multi` """ return cls( gpd.read_file(json.dumps(response_dict), driver="GeoJSON").set_crs( "EPSG:28992", allow_override=True ) )
[docs] def map( self, source_location: Point | LineString | Polygon, title: str = "Legend:", figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (10.0, 12.0), settings: dict | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> plt.Figure: """ Create map plot of the results Parameters ---------- source_location: location of the vibration source title: Legend title figsize: Size of the activate figure, as the `plt.figure()` argument. settings: Plot settings used in plot: default settings are: .. code-block:: python { "source_location": {"label": "Trillingsbron", "color": "black"}, "insufficient_cat1": { "label": "Voldoet Niet - Cat.1", "color": "orange", }, "insufficient_cat2": {"label": "Voldoet Niet - Cat.2", "color": "red"}, "sufficient": {"label": "Voldoet", "color": "green"}, } **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. Returns ------- Figure """ if settings is None: settings = { "source_location": {"label": "Trillingsbron", "color": "black"}, "insufficient_cat1": { "label": "Voldoet Niet - Cat.1", "color": "orange", }, "insufficient_cat2": {"label": "Voldoet Niet - Cat.2", "color": "red"}, "sufficient": {"label": "Voldoet", "color": "green"}, } kwargs_subplot = { "figsize": figsize, "tight_layout": True, } kwargs_subplot.update(kwargs) fig, axes = plt.subplots(**kwargs_subplot) gpd.GeoSeries(source_location).plot( ax=axes, color=settings["source_location"]["color"], alpha=1, zorder=1, aspect=1, ) # plot category 1 zone of influence if "insufficient_cat1" in settings.keys(): self.gdf.where( np.logical_and(self.gdf["cat"] == "one", ~self.gdf["check"]) ).plot( ax=axes, zorder=2, color=settings["insufficient_cat1"]["color"], aspect=1, ) if "insufficient_cat2" in settings.keys(): self.gdf.where( np.logical_and(self.gdf["cat"] == "two", ~self.gdf["check"]) ).plot( ax=axes, zorder=2, color=settings["insufficient_cat2"]["color"], aspect=1, ) if "sufficient" in settings.keys(): self.gdf.where(self.gdf.check).plot( ax=axes, zorder=2, color=settings["sufficient"]["color"], aspect=1 ) self.gdf.where(self.gdf.check).buffer(self.gdf.x_required).plot( ax=axes, alpha=0.25, zorder=1, aspect=1 ) self.gdf.where(~self.gdf.check).buffer(self.gdf.x_required).plot( ax=axes, alpha=0.6, zorder=1, aspect=1 ) for idx, row in self.gdf.iterrows(): x = row.geometry.centroid.xy[0][0] y = row.geometry.centroid.xy[1][0] axes.annotate( idx, xy=(x, y), horizontalalignment="center", ) # add legend axes.legend( title=title, title_fontsize=18, fontsize=15, loc="lower right", handles=[ patches.Patch( facecolor=value["color"], label=value["label"], alpha=0.9, linewidth=2, edgecolor="black", ) for value in settings.values() ], ) _north_arrow(axes) _scalebar(axes) return fig
[docs]def map_payload( gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, source_location: Point | LineString | Polygon, title: str = "Legend:", figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (10.0, 12.0), settings: dict | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> plt.Figure: """ Create map of the input building settings. Parameters ---------- gdf: GeoDataFrame of the input buildings source_location: location of the vibration source title: Legend title figsize: Size of the activate figure, as the `plt.figure()` argument. settings: Plot settings used in plot: default settings are: .. code-block:: python { "source_location": {"label": "Trillingsbron", "color": "black"}, "sensitive_cat1": { "label": "Monumentaal/ gevoelig - Cat.1", "color": "blue", }, "sensitive_cat2": { "label": "Monumentaal/ gevoelig - Cat.2", "color": "cyan", }, "normal_cat1": {"label": "Normaal - Cat.1", "color": "orange"}, "normal_cat2": {"label": "Normaal - Cat.2", "color": "olive"}, } **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. Returns ------- Figure """ if settings is None: settings = { "source_location": {"label": "Trillingsbron", "color": "black"}, "sensitive_cat1": { "label": "Monumentaal/ gevoelig - Cat.1", "color": "blue", }, "sensitive_cat2": { "label": "Monumentaal/ gevoelig - Cat.2", "color": "cyan", }, "normal_cat1": {"label": "Normaal - Cat.1", "color": "orange"}, "normal_cat2": {"label": "Normaal - Cat.2", "color": "olive"}, } kwargs_subplot = { "figsize": figsize, "tight_layout": True, } kwargs_subplot.update(kwargs) fig, axes = plt.subplots(**kwargs_subplot) if "source_location" in settings.keys(): gpd.GeoSeries(source_location).plot( ax=axes, color=settings["source_location"]["color"], alpha=1, zorder=1, aspect=1, ) if "sensitive_cat1" in settings.keys(): gdf.where( np.logical_and( gdf["category"] == "one", np.logical_or( gdf["monumental"], gdf["structuralCondition"] == "sensitive" ), ) ).plot(ax=axes, zorder=2, color=settings["sensitive_cat1"]["color"], aspect=1) if "normal_cat1" in settings.keys(): gdf.where( np.logical_and( gdf["category"] == "one", ~np.logical_or( gdf["monumental"], gdf["structuralCondition"] == "sensitive" ), ) ).plot(ax=axes, zorder=2, color=settings["normal_cat1"]["color"], aspect=1) if "sensitive_cat2" in settings.keys(): gdf.where( np.logical_and( gdf["category"] == "two", np.logical_or( gdf["monumental"], gdf["structuralCondition"] == "sensitive" ), ) ).plot(ax=axes, zorder=2, color=settings["sensitive_cat2"]["color"], aspect=1) if "normal_cat2" in settings.keys(): gdf.where( np.logical_and( gdf["category"] == "two", ~np.logical_or( gdf["monumental"], gdf["structuralCondition"] == "sensitive" ), ) ).plot(ax=axes, zorder=2, color=settings["normal_cat2"]["color"], aspect=1) for idx, row in gdf.iterrows(): x = row.geometry.centroid.xy[0][0] y = row.geometry.centroid.xy[1][0] axes.annotate( idx, xy=(x, y), horizontalalignment="center", ) # add legend axes.legend( title=title, title_fontsize=18, fontsize=15, loc="lower right", handles=[ patches.Patch( facecolor=value["color"], label=value["label"], alpha=0.9, linewidth=2, edgecolor="black", ) for value in settings.values() ], ) _north_arrow(axes) _scalebar(axes) return fig
[docs]def plot_reduction( response_dict: dict, sensitive: bool = False, figsize: Tuple[float, float] = (8, 8), **kwargs: Any, ) -> plt.Figure: """ PLot single vibration prediction reduction plot Parameters ---------- response_dict: response of the single prepal or cur166 endpoint. sensitive: Default is False Flag that indicates if vibration sensitive results are included figsize: Size of the activate figure, as the `plt.figure()` argument. **kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are passed to the `pyplot.subplots()` call. Returns ------- """ kwargs_subplot = { "figsize": figsize, "tight_layout": True, } kwargs_subplot.update(kwargs) fig, axes = plt.subplots(**kwargs_subplot) axes.axvline( x=response_dict["calculation"]["distance"], linestyle="-", label="Building distance", color="green", ) # normal axes.axhline( y=response_dict["calculation"]["failureValueVibrationVelocity"], linestyle="-", label="Vr", color="orange", ) axes.axvline( x=response_dict["calculation"]["distanceRequired"], linestyle="-", label="Distance required", color="black", ) axes.plot( response_dict["data"]["distance"], response_dict["data"]["vibrationVelocity"], linestyle="-", label="Vd", color="blue", ) # sensitive if sensitive: axes.axhline( y=response_dict["calculation"][ "failureValueVibrationVelocityVibrationSensitive" ], linestyle="--", label="$Vr_{sensitive}$", color="orange", ) axes.axvline( x=response_dict["calculation"][ "distanceRequiredVelocityVibrationSensitive" ], linestyle="--", label="Distance required", color="black", ) # excitation axes.axhline( y=response_dict["calculation"]["failureValueExcitationVelocity"], linestyle="-.", label="$Vr_{velocity}$", color="orange", ) axes.axvline( x=response_dict["calculation"]["distanceRequiredExcitationVelocity"], linestyle="-.", label="Distance required", color="black", ) axes.plot( response_dict["data"]["distance"], response_dict["data"]["vibrationVelocityVibrationSensitive"], linestyle="--", label="Vd", color="blue", ) axes.set_xlabel("Distance from source [m]") axes.set_ylabel("Vibration velocity [mm/s]") axes.set_xlim(0, 50) axes.set_ylim(0, 30) axes.legend( title=f"Vibration prediction: {response_dict.get('ID')}", title_fontsize=12, fontsize=9, loc="upper right", ) return fig