Source code for geoprofile.column

import copy
import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from PIL import ImageColor
from plotly import graph_objects as go
from plotly.graph_objects import Figure
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

from geoprofile.constant import CODING_SOIL_TYPES

# optional import
    from pygef.bore import BoreData
    from pygef.cpt import CptData
except ImportError:
    CptData = None
    BoreData = None


[docs]class Column:
[docs] def __init__( self, classify: Dict[str, List[Union[float, str]]], x: float, y: float, name: str = "N/A", z: Optional[float] = None, groundwater_level: Optional[float] = None, data: Optional[Dict[str, List[float]]] = None, ) -> None: """ Holds the data related to a column in the profile. Parameters ---------- classify: dict Dictionary that holds the classification data. Must contain the following keys: - depth Top of the layers [m REF] - thickness Thickness of the layer [m] - geotechnicalSoilName Soil code of the layer related to the NEN-EN-ISO 14688-1:2019+NEN 8990:2020 Tabel NA.17 Other Parameters ----------------- x: float x coordinate of the column. Must be in a Cartesian coordinate system y: float x coordinate of the column. Must be in a Cartesian coordinate system name: str, optional default is N/A Name of the location. z: float, optional Default is None surface level of the column [m REF]. groundwater_level: float, optional Default is None groundwater level of the column [m REF]. data: dict Default is None Other data that can be added to the plot. If not None than dictionary must contain the following key: - depth Top of the layers [m REF] """ # validate if any( [ key not in ["depth", "thickness", "geotechnicalSoilName"] for key in classify.keys() ] ): raise ValueError("Key missing in classify dictionary.") if any( [len(classify["depth"]) != len(classify[key]) for key in classify.keys()] ): raise ValueError( "Value arrays of classify dictionary do not have the same dimensions" ) for key in classify["geotechnicalSoilName"]: if key not in CODING_SOIL_TYPES.keys(): raise ValueError( f"geotechnicalSoilName `{key}` not in CODING_SOIL_TYPES [NEN-EN-ISO 14688-1:2019+NEN 8990:2020 " "Tabel NA.17] dictionary." ) if data is not None: if "depth" not in classify.keys(): raise ValueError("Key missing in data dictionary.") if any( [len(classify["depth"]) != len(classify[key]) for key in classify.keys()] ): raise ValueError( "Value arrays of data dictionary do not have the same dimensions" ) self._classify = classify self._x = x self._y = y self._z = z self._groundwater_level = groundwater_level self._name = name # set optional attributes if data is None: data = {} self._data = data
[docs] @classmethod def from_cpt(cls, response: dict, gef: CptData) -> "Column": """ Use the cptcore response to translate the NEN6740 Table 2B to the NEN-EN-ISO 14688-1:2019+NEN 8990:2020 Tabel NA.17 Parameters ---------- response: dict response of the CPT Core classify API call gef: pygef.cpt.CptData CPT object created by pygef. Returns ------- Column """ classify = { "depth": gef.delivered_vertical_position_offset - np.array(response.get("upperBoundary")), "thickness": ( np.array(response.get("lowerBoundary")) - np.array(response.get("upperBoundary")) ).tolist(), "geotechnicalSoilName": [ name.split(";")[0].replace("*", "") for name in response.get("geotechnicalSoilName", []) ], } if "depth" in gef.columns: data ="depth").rename({"depthOffset": "depth"}).to_dict() else: data ={"depthOffset": "depth"}).to_dict() return cls( classify=classify, x=gef.delivered_location.x, y=gef.delivered_location.y, z=gef.delivered_vertical_position_offset, name=gef.alias if gef.bro_id is None else gef.bro_id, groundwater_level=gef.groundwater_level_offset, data=data, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_bore(cls, gef: BoreData) -> "Column": """ Transform the BoreData DataClass to our Column class Parameters ---------- gef: pygef.bore.BoreData Bore object created by pygef. Returns ------- Column """ classify = { "depth":"upperBoundaryOffset").to_list(), "thickness": ("lowerBoundary") -"upperBoundary") ).to_list(), "geotechnicalSoilName": "geotechnicalSoilName" ).to_list(), } return cls( classify=classify, x=gef.delivered_location.x, y=gef.delivered_location.y, z=gef.delivered_vertical_position_offset, name=gef.alias if gef.bro_id is None else gef.bro_id, groundwater_level=gef.groundwater_level, )
@property def x(self) -> float: """x coordinate""" return self._x @property def y(self) -> float: """y coordinate""" return self._y @property def z(self) -> Optional[float]: """surface level [m REF]""" return self._z @property def groundwater_level(self) -> Optional[float]: """groundwater level [m REF]""" return self._groundwater_level @property def name(self) -> str: """column name""" return self._name @property def classify(self) -> dict: """dictionary that holds the classification data""" return self._classify @property def data(self) -> dict: """dictionary that holds the other data""" return self._data
[docs] def plot( self, figure: Optional[Figure] = None, hue: str = "percentage", plot_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, x0: float = 0, d_left: float = 0.5, d_right: float = 0.5, fillpattern: bool = True, profile: bool = False, ) -> Figure: """ Create a plotly figure with the Soil Layout and the Data. Parameters ---------- figure: Figure, optional Default is None A plotly graph object. hue: str, optional default is percentage enum : ['percentage', 'uniform'] Show either the soil data in percentage or use a uniform color. plot_kwargs: Dict, optional Default is None Dictionary with keys for properties to plot: ``` python { "qc": { "line_color": "black", "factor": 1, }, "fr": {"line_color": "red"}, } ``` x0: float, optional Default is 0 The x-coordinate of the start of the Soil Layout plot d_left: float, optional Default is 0.5 The width of the Soil Layout plot left of the center line. Only used when heu is not percentage. If percentage the sum of d_right and d_left is DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH. d_right: float, optional Default is 0.5 The width of the Soil Layout plot right of the center line. Only used when heu is not percentage. If percentage the sum of d_right and d_left is DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH. fillpattern: bool, optional Default is True Fill the layers with the pattern related to the soil code of the layer based on the NEN-EN-ISO 14688-1:2019+NEN 8990:2020 Tabel NA.17 profile: bool, optional Default is False Flag that indicates if plot is standalone or part on of a profile. Returns ------- Figure """ if hue not in ["percentage", "uniform"]: raise ValueError("Invalid value for heu.") # with of the column dx = d_left + d_right # end of the column x1 = x0 + dx # center of the column x_center = x0 + d_left if hue == "percentage": # reset column to one meter width dx = DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH x0 = x_center - dx / 2 if figure is None: # initialize plot figure = make_subplots( rows=1, cols=2, y_title="Depth [m REF]", shared_yaxes=True, horizontal_spacing=0.01, column_widths=[dx, 3.5], subplot_titles=( "Soil Layout", "Data", ), ) # Add bars for each soil type separately in order to be able to set legend labels for key in np.unique(self.classify["geotechnicalSoilName"]): # get index location of the soil code select = np.array(self.classify["geotechnicalSoilName"]) == key # illiterate of depth and add bar plot for y0, dy in zip( np.array(self.classify["depth"])[select], np.array(self.classify["thickness"])[select], ): # Based on the percentage of soil create the bar for every layer. if hue == "percentage": # start of the bar per color. x0_color = copy.copy(x0) for i, (color, percentage) in enumerate( CODING_SOIL_TYPES[key]["color"].items() ): # end of the bar per color. x1_color = ((percentage / 100) * dx) + x0_color figure.add_trace( go.Scatter( name=key, x=[x0_color, x0_color, x1_color, x1_color, x0_color], y=[y0, y0 - dy, y0 - dy, y0, y0], text=( f"Name: {}<br>" f"Soil Type: {key}<br>" f"Top of layer: {y0:.2f}<br>" f"Bottom of layer: {y0 - dy:.2f}<br>" f"Thickness: {dy:.2f}" ), hovertemplate="%{text}", legendgroup=key, mode="lines", fill="toself", fillcolor=color, line=dict(color=color), showlegend=key not in [ for i in], fillpattern=( CODING_SOIL_TYPES[key]["pattern"][i] if fillpattern else None ), ), row=1, col=1, ) # reset the start of the bar color. x0_color = x1_color elif hue == "uniform": # blend color based on the percentage red = int( sum( [ ImageColor.getcolor(c, "RGB")[0] * p for c, p in CODING_SOIL_TYPES[key]["color"].items() ] ) / 100 ) green = int( sum( [ ImageColor.getcolor(c, "RGB")[1] * p for c, p in CODING_SOIL_TYPES[key]["color"].items() ] ) / 100 ) blue = int( sum( [ ImageColor.getcolor(c, "RGB")[2] * p # type: ignore for c, p in CODING_SOIL_TYPES[key]["color"].items() ] ) / 100 ) color = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (red, green, blue) figure.add_trace( go.Scatter( name=key, x=[x0, x0, x1, x1, x0], y=[y0, y0 - dy, y0 - dy, y0, y0], text=( f"Name: {}<br>" f"Soil Type: {key}<br>" f"Top of layer: {y0:.2f}<br>" f"Bottom of layer: {y0 - dy:.2f}<br>" f"Thickness: {dy:.2f}" ), hovertemplate="%{text}", legendgroup=key, mode="lines", fill="toself", fillcolor=color, line=dict(color=color), showlegend=key not in [ for i in], fillpattern=( CODING_SOIL_TYPES[key]["pattern"][0] if fillpattern else None ), ), row=1, col=1, ) else: raise ValueError # plot other data if plot_kwargs is not None: for item in plot_kwargs.keys(): if item not in logging.warning(f"{item} not in data dictionary {}.") continue # pop not needed plot kwargs scatter_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(plot_kwargs) if "factor" in scatter_kwargs[item].keys(): scatter_kwargs[item].pop("factor") # add data to column figure.add_trace( go.Scatter( name=item, x=np.array([item]) * plot_kwargs[item].get("factor", 1.0) + x_center,["depth"],[item], hovertemplate="%{customdata:.2f}, %{y:.2f}", legendgroup=item, showlegend=item not in [ for i in], **scatter_kwargs[item], ), row=1, col=1 if profile else 2, ) # Add dashed blue line representing phreatic level if self.groundwater_level is not None and not profile: figure.add_hline( y=self.groundwater_level, line=dict(color="Blue", dash="dash", width=1), row="all", col="all", annotation_text=f"Phreatic level [m REF]: {self.groundwater_level:.2f}", annotation_position="bottom right", annotation_font_size=10, annotation_font_color="black", ) # Add dashed brown line representing ground level if self.z is not None and not profile: figure.add_hline( y=self.z, line=dict(color="Brown", dash="dash", width=1), row="all", col="all", annotation_text=f"surface level [m REF]: {self.z:.2f}", annotation_position="bottom right", annotation_font_size=10, annotation_font_color="black", ) if not profile: # update figure figure.update_layout(title_text=f"Name: {}") figure.update_xaxes(row=1, col=1, showticklabels=False, visible=False) if profile: # add a vertical line to locate the column on the profile figure.add_vline( x=x_center, line=dict(color="Black", dash="dash", width=1), row="all", col="all",, annotation_position="top right", annotation_font_size=10, annotation_font_color="black", annotation_textangle=90, ) return figure